"A Man's a Man for all that!" - Rabbie Burns

"Religion? No thanks. I prefer not to outsource my brainwashing."
Trying to get your average Joe creationist to understand the phrase scientific theory is as hard as getting a fish to enjoy mountaineering. Its an unimagined world for them - it requires a complete reversal of their normal modes of thinking and being. The fact that humans could explain the complexities of this world without a creating God is a world view they cannot grasp. It's like asking a tuna if it appreciates the view from the top of Mount Everest.

Aug 24, 2008

In Scotland there are Three certainties in life

There's a saying that the only certain things in life are Death and Taxes. Unless of course you live in Scotland in which case the third certain thing in life is that a Scottish Nationalist will never pass up an opportunity to try to attack anything "British".

While most folk have been celebrating the fantastic medal winning performance of Team GB and enjoying the success of any local "heroes" within that team all the Scottish "Nits" can do is suggest that because Chris Hoye won three gold medals we should have a separate Scottish Olympic team. The Scottish Nits are so predictable they are boring. I have to agree with Frank McAveety, Scottish Labour sports spokesman who was quoted as saying "I'm absolutely passionate about Scotland and I want Scotland to do well, but I'm also exceptionally proud of Team GB's performance in the Olympics. I don't see why I should be asked to make a choice between those two."

As I said there are three certainties in life in Scotland; Death Taxes and Scottish Nits - and each of them is as predictable and about as unwelcome as the other.

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